Friday, October 28, 2011



The shirt that I'm wearing is really faded. You can tell that I washed it a million times. I wasn't gonna wear it, but then I figured that nothing was worse than the frumpy piece of crap that Saveria was wearing yesterday. It's not that bad. I asked some people and they said they thought it was supposed to look like that. I've had this shirt since the 8th grade, so it's understandable that it would be a little faded from washing it so many times. I was cold this morning, and this is all I had to put on. Well, I have this red Henley, but it has a lot of pet hair on it and I didn't want to wear that out. Anyway, whatever.

Mason Augustus Wheeler

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Not Eatng.

I've decided to become anorexic. I'm going to see how long I can go without eating anything. I was thinking about bulimia, but I'm not very good at making myself throw up. I usually end up just gagging and spitting. I'm just gonna not eat, it probably won't last that long. Eventually I'll get really hungry, or dizzy or something. I don't care. It's worth a shot. It's kinda gay, I mean, anorexia's for dumb bitchy girls. I don't care. I'm bored. It seems fun.

Mason Augustus Wheeler

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Are You Kidding Me?

Okay, honestly? I have absolutely nothing to write about. This is stupid. I don't feel like trying to come up with something I care enough about to write a paragraph on everyday. I just can't find anything. I'm fine with voicing my opinions on various topics or answering questions, but this is lame. I know I keep writing blogs about having nothing to write about, that's because that's the only thing that comes to mind every time we have a Journal Entry. It's annoying. Ugh. That's all.

Mason Augustus Wheeler

Wednesday, October 19, 2011


So I'm still working on my wedding project, even though it's due today. I'm going to ditch my Economics class today so that I won't have to turn it in and I'll finish my project tonight. I feel much  better about this project and less stressed out because I've got everything that I need to do outlined and it looks achievable. If I can get it done tonight then I can come tomorrow and present it no problem, besides slight embarrassment and nervousness. I'm so glad I don't have to worry anymore.

Mason Augustus Wheeler

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Getting My Work Done.

I started my wedding project yesterday. I should've started weeks ago when it was assigned, but I didn't. It's due tomorrow, so I'm hoping I can push through it and get it done today. Otherwise I'll have to ditch my Economics class tomorrow so that I have an extra day to work on it. I always procrastinate and I never learn. I don't expect to learn from this experience either, though. If I can get this done, I'll be the king of last minute assignments. It's not hard, just very tedious. A lot of searching for products on Google, calculating prices and printing out both a high and low price for a product. It's kind of a waste of ink. I can do it though.

Mason Augustus Wheeler

Monday, October 17, 2011

Blog Banner and Scrapbook Page.

So, here's my blog banner and my scrapbook page. I wasn't here when we turned them in.

Mason Augustus Wheeler


I frickin' hate stupid people. They make me want to go outside and murder the first person I see...because that person was probably one of those stupid people. They make me want to violently throw up my intestines and hang myself with them. I hate everyone in the world. If the world exploded, I would be like, "This is the best thing ever. I'm so glad all these dumbass people are going to die painfully." People just need to be tortured and killed. All the time. I hate them. I want to stab them in the knee with a knife and slit all up their theigh, then rip out their femur and beat them in the face with it. I HATE PEOPLE.

Success is Happiness.

Success, to me, is doing what makes you happy. As long as you end up happy in life, then you are successful. Never stress yourself out by trying to be successful because success comes from inside of you. There is no proper definition of success, it is all relative to each individual person. Doing what makes you happy and being good at it. That is my definition of success.

Mason Augustus Wheeler

Thursday, October 13, 2011


My favorite subject in school has always been English and Language Arts. I absolutely love writing. I love the technicality and specifics that you have to remember in order to maintain good grammar. Most people don't ever do things like capitalize or punctuate. Spelling and vocabulary is a waste of time for them. It's embarrassing. I love it, however. Sounding educated is one of the most important things to me. One of my future ideas, as I've discussed in many other blogs, is to go to college to become an English teacher and teach right here at Deer Valley. Weather that happens or not, I definitely have a love for the subject and it is very dear to me.

Mason Augustus Wheeler

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Bricks on My Head.

School is really stressing me out. I have so much work to do, it's not even funny. On top of this wedding project that I have to complete completely by myself, I have essays for English that I need to make up and notebooks to copy and graphic design stuff to work on and just a million and one different things. It's crazy. I'm an idiot because I keep putting this stuff off and procrastinating. It's really dumb of me, but I just don't want to. I need to soon though, unless I want to fail my classes and see Saveria here next year as a second year senior.

Mason Augustus Wheeler

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Occupy This!

I think this Occupy Wall Street thing is so frickin' stupid. These people need to stop complaining and go get a job. People have the right to be rich, and just because you're not, doesn't mean that the people who are have to give money to you to make you feel better. Honestly, every single one of these people look dumb standing out there blaming their problems on someone else. They should just quit, because nobody feels sorry for them. Their not going to get anywhere. LAME.

Mason Augustus Wheeler

Friday, October 7, 2011

I Died...

If I died tomorrow, I would want people to remember what a great person I was. Recently I haven't been that cool of a person, but I would want people to remember their time spent with me, and how I was in elementary and middle school. I was an awesome person and a great friend. I would want people to say, "That Mason, he was a cool guy. I remember that time when we..." If people remember all the good times they've spent with me that'd be the greatest thing.

Mason Augustus Wheeler

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

I Ended Up Writing About the Weather Anyway.

I have nothing to write about. I would write about the weather, but Branden's writing about that and he doesn't want me to copy him. It's nice though. I love weather like this. Last night we went to go get food and it was amazing. It was, like, 60 degrees. This morning was just as nice. I love the smell of rain lingering in the air. It just makes my day so much better, versus if I had to walk around all day in a puddle of my own sweat all day. I hope it stays like this for a long time, I'm sure it won't though. At lease it's the season where it starts getting cold, so I can just bundle up in a nice hoodie and be comfortable all day.

Mason Augustus Wheeler

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Uncomfortable Library.

I wasn't gonna do this journal entry, but I changed my mind because I'm sitting in front of a computer in the Library and I have nothing better to do. Libraries are supposed to be calm, peaceful and relaxing. This one, however, is not at the moment. I'm staying after school because my sister has to finish up a project and I don't have a ride home. It started off okay, but then as time progressed more and more students filled the room, coming to hang out or finish projects or whatever. I am becoming very uncomfortable with this crowd. I don't know what to do. I keep stopping and listening to everybody's conversations grow louder and louder, joining forces to become one mass, very annoying noise. It's making me uncomfortable. I'm hoping she'll be done soon so that I can go home.

Mason Augustus Wheeler


I watched a talk given by Christoph Adami about searching for alien life. The problem is that we don't know how to find alien life, since it is nothing like the life that we know. Adami explained how using self-replicating computer programs to research artificial life can help us to find life signatures called "biomarkers." These are completely free of our human preconceptions of what life actually is. Using these programs may make it easier to detect extraterrestrial life by searching without a biased point of view about what life should be.

Mason Augustus Wheeler

Monday, October 3, 2011


I'd say that my favorite holiday would be Halloween, just because I love that time of year. That's when it starts to get cold and nice outside. I love the fall and I love Halloween. They open all of the Halloween stores and you can go shop for cool costumes and decorations. All the Halloween specials of your favorite TV shows come on, plus they play a lot of awesome scary movies. I just love it.

Mason Augustus Wheeler.