Monday, January 30, 2012

Comfortable or Challenging?

If I had the choice between a confortable job or a challenging job, I would definitely pick the more comfortable job. I know people always say that it's better to challenge yourself or whatever, but I would honestly rather be able to be comfortable in my life and I wouldn't want that extra added burden of a challenging job stressing me out all the time.

Mason Augustus Wheeler

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Last Day.

If I knew that Friday was my last day to live, I'd probably go around and do whatever I want. I wouldn't care about what people thought about me anymore. I wouldn't care about doing my schoolwork or anything, because it wouldn't matter. I wouldn't go to school, I'd just go out into the world and do crazy things and say whatever comes to my mind to anybody I want to. If Friday was my last day, I would be happy that I wouldn't have to keep living in this stupid messed up society, so I'd throw every rule away and just live my life the way I wanted to for the day.

Mason Augustus Wheeler

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

I Miss Elementary School.

I have so many great memories from elementary school. Those were the best times of my life. I did so many crazy things with my friends, most of which I still see in the halls today, but don't talk to anymore. We used to hang out in the field and do all sorts of fun things like run around and pretend and just a bunch of awesome stuff that we don't get to do anymore. Those are the greatest memories, not just from elementary school, but from my life.

Mason Augustus Wheeler

Monday, January 23, 2012

Bad Semester.

So, this semester has taken a horrible turn from the last one. I got kicked out of my Rio Salado college English class for having too many absences and now I'm just in regular senior English. I feel so terrible because I had friends in that class and I loved my teacher. Now, I won't get to see them anymore. My day is more quiet. I also have to take Algebra this semester because I failed second semester last year. I had a class here, but decided it was stupid and boring and I just didn't want to do it, so I enrolled in eShcool. My sister is going to be leaving this semester to take all of her classes online, abandoning me. Now, I have long, boring, quiet and lonely days to look forward to until I graduate. Yay.

Mason Augustus Wheeler

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Stupid Election.

The next presidential election will probably not benefit our society much. American people tend to vote for the stupidest possible candidate, so they'll probably do it again. I don't know, I don't really know anything about politics or presidents or our society at all. I just think Americans are stupid and will probably vote for somebody stupid as well.

Mason Augustus Wheeler

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Closet Relative.

One of my closest relatives would be my cousin, Hannah. She's crazy. She can be a lot of fun to hang out with at times, but she's really annoying usually. She's really immature for somebody who's 21 years old. She hangs around gross friends that do drugs and other nasty stuff. She even does some of that stuff herself. She's a smoker too. It's really bad. Sometimes, when she's not around her stupid friends, she's really cool and funny. I like her when she's not around them because she doesn't feel like she has to act all immature. Anyway, that's my cousin, Hannah. She's one of my closest relatives.

Mason Augustus Wheeler

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Goals and Resolutions.

My goals for this year focus on making me a better person and making my life more enjoyable to deal with. I want to focus on my personality and the way I interact with other people. My resolutions for this year are to become confident, outgoing and, overall, a much more sociable person. To do this, I should start not giving a crap about other people and just being myself. I shouldn't be afraid to just say things and talk to people and just be me. So, that's what I'm gonna try to do in the new year, because I can't just stay all shy and stupid for the rest of my life.

Mason Augustus Wheeler

Monday, January 9, 2012

Winter Break.

Winter break was way better than this stupid crap. I hate being back at school. I would much rather relax and be worry free like I was when I was on winter break. Over the break I didn't do anything. I just slept, ate, watched TV and played video games. It was pretty much the best thing ever. I stayed up late and messed my sleeping schedule up, so on Sunday night before school started again I couldn't get to sleep. I'm so freaking tired right now.

Mason Augustus Wheeler