Thursday, November 17, 2011


I was absent again yesterday. I'm always absent. If school didn't suck for me so much I would probably come every day. I have 14 absences in my second hour (which is my first hour), and I have 16 or 17 absences in my seventh hour. That's a lot. I've had more, but this is definitely too much. Especially since I'm a senior and this year doesn't suck as bad as other years. I need to start coming every day. I try my best, but it's really easy to just stay home because school is so frickin' stupid. I'll keep trying though. The good thing is that I have pretty good grades in my classes, all Bs. So, if somebody wanted to drop me, they really have no other reason than my absences. Which is probably all they need. Oh well. I'm sure I'll be fine.

Mason Augustus Wheeler

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