Thursday, February 2, 2012

Important Beliefs.

An important thing I believe is that you shouldn't make assumptions about people, and you especially shouldn't use those assumptions to judge another person. People can be doing anything at anytime and you have no idea why they're doing it or how they got there. Why should you assume that you do and start judging them like you know everything about them? For example, I'm in the library right now because I don't have a first hour. I go to sign in and the lady is like, "Do you have a pass to be here?" all rude like. I'm like, "Umm, no. I don't have a first hour." I mean, jeeze! I've only been in here for the whole year during first hour, maybe she could've figured it out by now? I don't know. Things like that just annoy me and most of the staff here do the same thing. You know, they really shouldn't work here if they don't like talking to or dealing with kids. That's another important thing I believe.

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