Friday, March 16, 2012

Drugged Up.

The school thought I was on drugs Wednesday. I was acting a little out of the ordinary in my first hour. I was feeling extra happy and I was asking everybody for a hug. This one girl I tried to give a hug to ran straight out of the classroom and down the hallway so I chased her. I kept asking my teacher for a hug and he wouldn't give one to me. Anyway, I guess I was acting a little crazier than usual so my teacher, Mr. Mueller, took me to the nurse's office. I told him I was okay, but he wanted to make sure that I didn't accidentally ingest something or anything like that. He was looking out for my safety because he's such a good guy. The nurse took my blood pressure a few times and it was higher than it is supposed to be. She told me to get a check up and she was going to send me back to class. That's when Mr. DuPlanty stepped in. He took me to his office and started interrogating me like I was on drugs. He searched my backpack and my pockets. He made me take off my shoes and socks like I was hiding something in there. Eventually he ended up getting a hold of my grandpa and having him pick me up and take me home. I didn't appreciate being treated like I was a druggie, especially since Mr. DuPlanty doesn't even know me at all. I also didn't appreciate being sent home when I didn't need to be. I shouldn't be missing anymore class. Anyway, now there's a rumor going around that I come to school drugged up, which isn't cool. I have an appointment with my doctor today about my blood pressure. It might correlate with the dizziness I've been feeling lately, so hopefully we'll figure everything out and get it taken care of.

Mason Augustus Wheeler

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