Monday, April 30, 2012


My plans for this summer vary upon whether or not I will graduate this year. If I graduate, I plan on relaxing and looking for a job and a place to go to school. If not, my summer will be spent feeling guilty and sorry for myself and preparing to go back to school in the fall. Either way, I will be doing a lot of hanging out with friends and doing fun things like swimming, bowling or going to the movies. My family and I will also be going on our annual family vacation. This year we're going to Monterey, California. We go there a lot because it's beautiful and there's a lot of fun stuff to do. So, yeah, hopefully I will be graduating and having a happy summer.

Mason Augustus Wheeler

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

War on Terror.

I haven't actually been paying much attention to the "War on Terror," but I assume it is probably a bad thing. So I'm gonna go ahead and guess that it's a good thing that it's over. I'm sure many Americans who have been following the "War on Terror" are very happy.

Mason Augustus Wheeler

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Assembly Day.

Today was an assembly day and it really through me off guard because I start my days with 2nd hour. So today I came at the usual time that 2nd hour starts and the assembly had already started so I had to leave my stuff in the office and go to the assembly. I really didn't want to walk in there late because the entire school would be sitting there watching walk in the door and try to find a spot to sit, but I ended up going in there and just stood in the corner where the teachers were standing. I couldn't really see anything, but I'm sure it wasn't that great anyway. I felt really awkward because I was standing on the opposite side of the room, facing the entire senior class, but it ended soon enough and I was on my way to 2nd hour.

Mason Augustus Wheeler

Wednesday, April 18, 2012


Lately, I've been kind of slacking when it comes to doing my school work. That's not the best idea, since I'm supposed to be graduating this year. My grades aren't doing as well as they could and I don't really know what to do. I need to just do every assignment that is given to me from this point until the end of the school year and hope that the points I get from completing them will be enough to boost my grades to a significant percentage. It's funny that I've been here almost every day for a few months now and my grades are worse than they were when I was absent every other day. I even skipped the two simple videos you gave us to do, which are easy points. I don't know. I need to step up my game, but I'm just so stressed with the end of the school year, and subsequently the end of my school career, coming up.

Mason Augustus Wheeler

Tuesday, April 17, 2012


When I disagree with people, it really gets me mad. I'll usually try to convince them to think the way that I do, but in the end I always end up calling them stupid and agreeing to disagree. Sometimes, if the person won't drop the subject, I have to completely remove myself from the situation because I'll start getting really pissed and yelling at them. Sometimes I even get into fights. I don't know, I feel like anybody who doesn't agree with me is ignorant and stupid. I always feel like I'm the smartest person and that everything that I think is right, whether it actually is or not.

Mason Augustus Wheeler


I'm not very happy with my grades at the moment. I have all C's and D's, which isn't good at all. Especially since I'm trying to graduate this year. I have recently stepped up and decided to perform my best in school, however that hasn't yet made up for slacking off at the beginning of the semester. There are some major assignments that I skipped and stuff that I should have done better. From here on out I will be turning in all my assignments and doing them to the fullest of my abilities. Hopefully, in the short time that we have left, I'll be able to boost my grades to at least B's. On the other hand, staying behind and making up some classes next year wouldn't be so bad. I'm really not ready to leave yet.

Mason Augustus Wheeler

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Goals and Obstacles.

The biggest obstacle standing between me and my career goals would probably be myself. I want to be an English teacher and that takes a lot of work and determination. I happen to be a very lazy person, so working for this career that I want so passionately would be one of the hardest things I've ever had to do. The biggest part of me wants to graduate high school and spend the rest of my days sleeping in or on the couch in front of the TV, but the rest of me wants so badly to get motivated and to pursue my dreams. My hopes are to start working hard straight out of high school. Seeing what I need to do, taking all the required classes, working to get my degree, etc. Then, I want to come straight back here to Deer Valley and teach along side my favorite teachers on the planet. In the end, I am the only person standing in my way. I am the only person who can either accomplish or prevent myself from accomplishing my goals.

Mason Augustus Wheeler

Monday, April 9, 2012

Cool Images.

I've been making these cool background/poster things for my portfolios in my Graphic Design class. I'm bored so I decided I wanted to share them on here. I like them. I just blend layers together using different modes in Photoshop and they turn out to be really cool images. Here they are:

Cool House.

If money was out of the question, I would live in the coolest house ever. It would most likely be a smart house and It would have all the coolest features, like an indoor pool and private movie theater. The kitchen would be really nice and we'd have one of those refrigerators that have the same doors as the cabinets. Those are cool. My closet would be huge and would have multiple rooms and levels. My bedroom would be giant and my bed would be the most comfortable. My bathrooms would have the fanciest showers and toilets. One of those toilets that squirts your butt when you're done pooping. Those are awesome. Coolest of all, I would have secret passage ways and trap doors all over my house. Like a bookcase that doubles as a door that leads to a giant party room, something cool like that. Yeah, that's what my house would be like if money was no problem.

Mason Augustus Wheeler

Thursday, April 5, 2012


I am mostly of German descent. I know my ancestors came here a few generations ago from Germany. There's not much else to really say about that. Yeah.

Mason Augustus Wheeler

Wednesday, April 4, 2012


This weekend will mostly be chilling and hanging out. Since it's a three day weekend, I get to sleep in and lounge around. Me and my sister's friend is coming over on Friday and she might spend the night. On Saturday or Sunday, we're going to an Easter Egg Hunt that we go to every year. It's usually really fun and there's food and chocolate prizes. We get to see a lot of friends and family too. That's all I'm doing this weekend, which isn't much. I can't wait for Monday.

Mason Augustus Wheeler

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Rights and Freedom.

The difference between right and freedom is that we all have certain rights that we are entitled to no matter what, however freedom has to be earned. In order to keep your freedom you must obey laws and be a respectful and civilized citizen. If you lose your freedom, there are still rights that you are entitled to as a human being while incarcerated. So, rights never go away and you are always entitled to them. Freedom, on the other hand, is a privilege and can be taken away.

Mason Augustus Wheeler

Monday, April 2, 2012

I Just Wanna Stay.

I am just so sad that my school career is coming to an end. I know I keep posting about it, but it's coming up really quickly and I really don't want to leave. There are so many people that I've grown to really care about that I won't see again after high school. There are so many great teachers here that I look forward to seeing everyday and, after graduation, I'll probably never ever see them again. That makes me the saddest. I really just want to stay, I honestly feel like failing a couple classes just so I can come back next year and take them again. Once the day comes that I graduate, I have no idea what I'm going to do. I'll go from having somewhere to go everyday to sitting on my butt on the couch watching TV until I get a job or something. Who knows when that's gonna happen? I don't know. I just wanna stay really bad.

Mason Augustus Wheeler

April Fools!

Nobody's ever really done any great April Fools jokes that I've seen. It's kinda lame, but I guess I just don't know any really clever jokesters. Even over the weekend I didn't see any jokes besides, "Your shoe's untied. APRIL FOOLS!" Yeah, it'd be cool to see some good ones in the future though, or maybe come up with some of my own.

Mason Augustus Wheeler