Wednesday, April 18, 2012


Lately, I've been kind of slacking when it comes to doing my school work. That's not the best idea, since I'm supposed to be graduating this year. My grades aren't doing as well as they could and I don't really know what to do. I need to just do every assignment that is given to me from this point until the end of the school year and hope that the points I get from completing them will be enough to boost my grades to a significant percentage. It's funny that I've been here almost every day for a few months now and my grades are worse than they were when I was absent every other day. I even skipped the two simple videos you gave us to do, which are easy points. I don't know. I need to step up my game, but I'm just so stressed with the end of the school year, and subsequently the end of my school career, coming up.

Mason Augustus Wheeler

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