Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Two Blogs, One Day.

So, I'm writing another blog because I assume we're supposed to do one everyday and I didn't write one on Monday. But, then again, I didn't write any last week either. I don't know. I'm confused on this whole "blog"
Anyway, I don't really have anything to write about. Nothing really goes on in my life. I had an okay day today. I didn't do anything too awkward or embarrassing, which is always a plus for me. I took the bus home today for the first time this year. It was crowded as hell, which I assume is a very crowded place, and almost every seat was jammed full. Luckily, I found an empty seat, but my sister came so late that someone had already sat next to me and people snatched up all the other seats. She had nowhere to sit, so she freaked out and yelled at me in front of everyone. Some nice people scooted over so she could sit with them, so that was cool. I made a conscious decision today not to take the bus again this year unless it's an emergency and I absolutely have to.
Hmm, I guess I found something to write about after all.

Mason Augustus Wheeler

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