Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Playing Dress-Up.

Dressing up to show school spirit is a very fun way of expressing yourself and your love for your school. It can be kinda stupid, especially if the spirit day ideas are really dumb or weird. I was really into doing stuff like that when I was in elementary school, (tin foil day, crazy hair day, etc.), but as I got older and my school spirit decreased I really haven't done it. If it's something easy, like wearing a certain color, I'll probably do it depending on if I own anything in that color or not. I won't go to any added effort or trouble though. It's just not that important. You don't get a prize for doing it, except for looking like a weirdo for a day.
So, I think it's cool for people who are into it and actually care to show school spirit, but there's a lot of people who don't.

Mason Augustus Wheeler

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