Tuesday, September 6, 2011


So yesterday I did some research on Social Anxiety Disorder. I really think that I have this disease since I find it impossible to go places or interact with people comfortably. Many people, when I tell them I might have this, tell me that it's just a bunch of crap. They think it's just some made up thing for average shy people to label themselves so that people will feel sorry for them. I say otherwise. If I can find out more about this it might be the secret to breaking out of this awkward shell I've been living in for almost five years.
I have an appointment to see my doctor this week and I'm planning on asking him if he knows anything about anxiety disorders or Social Phobia. I'm hoping I can get some kind of counseling, therapy or some other kind of medical treatment for this. I'm hoping that I'll be able to live my life freely and comfortable and not sweat the small stuff.

Mason Augustus Wheeler

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