The earliest memory I can think of is one that I've been carrying with me for a long time. It is a random moment in my life where me, my sister and my mom are all alone in our house. I am three years old and there is a package. We open the box and take all of the Styrofoam popcorn out and throw it all over the place like snow. I don't know why this is my longest memory, nor do I know whether it was a real moment in my life or I just made it up for some reason. I've held this memory for most of my life though.
Mason Augustus Wheeler
About Me
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
My Pets.
I have four dogs and a cat. My dogs are two Lhasa Apsos, a black one named Bowen and a blonde one named Michael, a Miniature Pincher named Evie and a Boxer mix named Harleigh. I love them although they can be very rowdy sometimes. They like to bark really loud and rip things apart, which can be really annoying. They don't get along very well with my cat, Saffie. She hates them and gets just about as annoyed with them as we do. I love my cat most of all. She's the most precious thing to me and she's probably my best friend. I don't know what I'd do without her. I love all my pets a lot and I'm glad they are in my life.
Mason Augustus Wheeler
Mason Augustus Wheeler
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Thankful for the Good Days.
I am thankful for the good days that I have sometimes. Life sucks, but every once in a while I'll have a really good day. Just a day where I'm really happy and confident and carefree. I love these days and they are very important to me. They remind me that it doesn't all suck and that it is possible for me to be happy sometimes. So, if I had to choose one thing that I am thankful for, it would definitely be my good days.
Mason Augustus Wheeler
Mason Augustus Wheeler
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Over the weekend I went to Tombstone with my family. It was really cool. I went a long time ago with my father when I was twelve, but I don't remember that much. I wish I lived back then, it seems like it would be a good time. With saloons and gunfights, that would be the life. 2011 is just so lame, the 1800s is where it's at. Nothing to worry about, except for maybe getting shot. Anyway, that's what being there made me think of, you know? I mean, the place we were standing was a big booming town just 100 or so years ago and now, it's just a tourist attraction. It's crazy.
Mason Augustus Wheeler
Mason Augustus Wheeler
Monday, November 21, 2011
Turkey Day.
The tradition of Thanksgiving in my family is something I really look forward to. When everybody gets together at my Grandpa's house and we wait for food to be cooked while we watch the parade and the game. We can finally leave the front door open because the weather is so much cooler. It's finally fall. The best part of Thanksgiving, to me, is the leftovers. Sure, the feast is great, but the days after Thanksgiving when you have all that turkey, that's awesome. Sandwiches made from leftover turkey are the best, let me tell you. I absolutely love them. So yeah, that's what I look forward to every year: leftovers.
Mason Augustus Wheeler
Mason Augustus Wheeler
Thursday, November 17, 2011
I was absent again yesterday. I'm always absent. If school didn't suck for me so much I would probably come every day. I have 14 absences in my second hour (which is my first hour), and I have 16 or 17 absences in my seventh hour. That's a lot. I've had more, but this is definitely too much. Especially since I'm a senior and this year doesn't suck as bad as other years. I need to start coming every day. I try my best, but it's really easy to just stay home because school is so frickin' stupid. I'll keep trying though. The good thing is that I have pretty good grades in my classes, all Bs. So, if somebody wanted to drop me, they really have no other reason than my absences. Which is probably all they need. Oh well. I'm sure I'll be fine.
Mason Augustus Wheeler
Mason Augustus Wheeler
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
I really hate this new seating chart. It separated me from all of my friends and now I have to sit next to people that I don't even know. I don't understand why every class had to get new seats. Is there a reason? Will we ever switch back? I hope so, because having to sit in these seats for the rest of the year would be the worst thing ever.
Mason Augustus Wheeler
Mason Augustus Wheeler
Monday, November 14, 2011
Letter Experience.
I really enjoyed writing the letter to my teachers. Being able to speak my mind about all of the amazingly awesome things my teachers do was a great experience. I love my teachers and I'm glad that I got to write something that expresses the way that I feel about them. I hope that when they read it they feel good about themselves and their technique, because they should. I hope that they realize how much I admire them and how grateful I am to be taught by them.
Mason Augustus Wheeler
Mason Augustus Wheeler
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Dear Teachers,.
Dear Teachers,
I love the way you teach me and I don't think there is a single thing wrong with it. You all have your own way of going about teaching, and all of them are well thought out and amazingly effective strategies. You challenge me in so many different ways and, though I don't always do my work, or come to school for that matter, I still think that you are excellent at what you do. Everytime I go to your classes I am excited to learn and I'm excited to participate and do the assignments that you give us. Whether it's playing games, writing essays, having a class discussion or just telling us to figure it our ourselves, they all are wonderful ways to help us learn. I am glad that I have such great teachers to help guide me through my senior year of high school.
Thank you so much,
Mason Augustus Wheeler
I love the way you teach me and I don't think there is a single thing wrong with it. You all have your own way of going about teaching, and all of them are well thought out and amazingly effective strategies. You challenge me in so many different ways and, though I don't always do my work, or come to school for that matter, I still think that you are excellent at what you do. Everytime I go to your classes I am excited to learn and I'm excited to participate and do the assignments that you give us. Whether it's playing games, writing essays, having a class discussion or just telling us to figure it our ourselves, they all are wonderful ways to help us learn. I am glad that I have such great teachers to help guide me through my senior year of high school.
Thank you so much,
Mason Augustus Wheeler
What I Like About Me.
There are not many things that I like about myself. I annoy myself a lot. I wish I was a certain way and I'm not. Though I can find some things that stick out about myself that are nice, and I wouldn't change them for anything. I like the way I look, for the most part. I mean, once you get past the fat and acne, I'm a pretty decent looking guy. I like my personality, though it doesn't always shine through when I would like it to. I like the things that I do and the environment that surrounds me even if it's not the best. I can find a few things about myself that I think are great, and I am happy about that because a few is way better than nothing.
Mason Augustus Wheeler
Mason Augustus Wheeler
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Mr. Robinson.
One of the major points of Ken Robinson's talk was the way that we are teaching kids today, and they way that the education system is set up. We group kids together by their age, rather than by their learning levels. Slower students end up following behind when they are lumped together with students who don't need extra help and can learn on their own. If we placed students together by their ability to learn, instead of how old they are, the education system would be much better.
Mason Augustus Wheeler
Mason Augustus Wheeler
Doing the GIF.
I liked doing the GIF project. I had a lot of fun. It was a little tough coming up with an idea, I mean, nothing can top Saveria's exploding baby, but I think I did a good job. I like it a lot when we work in Photoshop, versus working in Excel or Word. It's a lot more fun and creative. I hope we do something like this again soon.
Mason Augustus Wheeler
Mason Augustus Wheeler
Monday, November 7, 2011
I love to sleep. I'm so glad that it's cold now and I can bundle up under a nice comfy blanket and sleep all the time. It's so nice. When I go to school I can just throw on a big, warm, comfortable jacket and not worry about anything. I love that. I'm just so happy that the weather has finally changed and it's nice and cool. I love this time of year.
Mason Augustus Wheeler
Mason Augustus Wheeler
Thursday, November 3, 2011
I feel so self conscious. I keep throwing clothes on before I leave the house because I'm cold and then regretting it once I get to school. Today, I put on an ugly black long-sleeved shirt and threw a gross hairy red t-shirt on top of it. I'm disgusting today. I just want to go home and sleep. On top of all of that, I feel sick. I'm sick to my stomach and I feel like I'm going to throw up. I just want to go home.
Mason Augustus Wheeler
Mason Augustus Wheeler
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Smoking in the Bathroom.
So I was sitting in the bathroom at lunch today, like I do sometimes when I have nobody to sit with and don't want to look like a loser, and I could clearly smell that somebody was smoking in one of the stalls next to me. I didn't think much of it, but after they left I heard a teacher call security. A few minutes later I hear a loud noise. It turned out to be that fat security guard kicking in all of the stalls. He got to mine and was like, "Are you almost done in there?" I said yes and he was like, "Don't bother flushing those cigarettes." I realized that I was going to get blamed. So I came out and said that I wasn't smoking but I could smell that somebody else was. He still took my I.D. and wrote my name down. What an idiot.
Anyway, it doesn't matter. If they call my mom or something she'll pretty much know that I wasn't smoking.
Mason Augustus Wheeler
Anyway, it doesn't matter. If they call my mom or something she'll pretty much know that I wasn't smoking.
Mason Augustus Wheeler
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
If I could change one thing about the world it would be all the technology that exists today. In today's society, though we have a lot of very useful technology that helps do a lot of important things, technology has grown at an unnecessary rate. All people care about is their phone or iPod or what have you. Nobody has face to face conversations anymore. The old days were so much more intimate and happy. People played together and they laughed together. Now, they LOL together. It's just a little too much. So, I would decrease the amount of technology. Not all the way, but just make it less advanced than now. Like in the '90s or early '00s. We had technology, but it wasn't all over the place and didn't consume our lives the way it does now.
Mason Augustus Wheeler
Mason Augustus Wheeler
Night of the Living TED.
I watched a talk given by Carolyn Porco, a planetary scientist. She was showing images from the Cassini voyage to Saturn, focusing on its largest moon, Titan, and on frozen Enceladus, which seems to shoot jets of ice. It was very interesting and I learned a lot.
Mason Augustus Wheeler
Mason Augustus Wheeler
Friday, October 28, 2011
The shirt that I'm wearing is really faded. You can tell that I washed it a million times. I wasn't gonna wear it, but then I figured that nothing was worse than the frumpy piece of crap that Saveria was wearing yesterday. It's not that bad. I asked some people and they said they thought it was supposed to look like that. I've had this shirt since the 8th grade, so it's understandable that it would be a little faded from washing it so many times. I was cold this morning, and this is all I had to put on. Well, I have this red Henley, but it has a lot of pet hair on it and I didn't want to wear that out. Anyway, whatever.
Mason Augustus Wheeler
Mason Augustus Wheeler
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Not Eatng.
I've decided to become anorexic. I'm going to see how long I can go without eating anything. I was thinking about bulimia, but I'm not very good at making myself throw up. I usually end up just gagging and spitting. I'm just gonna not eat, it probably won't last that long. Eventually I'll get really hungry, or dizzy or something. I don't care. It's worth a shot. It's kinda gay, I mean, anorexia's for dumb bitchy girls. I don't care. I'm bored. It seems fun.
Mason Augustus Wheeler
Mason Augustus Wheeler
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Are You Kidding Me?
Okay, honestly? I have absolutely nothing to write about. This is stupid. I don't feel like trying to come up with something I care enough about to write a paragraph on everyday. I just can't find anything. I'm fine with voicing my opinions on various topics or answering questions, but this is lame. I know I keep writing blogs about having nothing to write about, that's because that's the only thing that comes to mind every time we have a Journal Entry. It's annoying. Ugh. That's all.
Mason Augustus Wheeler
Mason Augustus Wheeler
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
So I'm still working on my wedding project, even though it's due today. I'm going to ditch my Economics class today so that I won't have to turn it in and I'll finish my project tonight. I feel much better about this project and less stressed out because I've got everything that I need to do outlined and it looks achievable. If I can get it done tonight then I can come tomorrow and present it no problem, besides slight embarrassment and nervousness. I'm so glad I don't have to worry anymore.
Mason Augustus Wheeler
Mason Augustus Wheeler
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Getting My Work Done.
I started my wedding project yesterday. I should've started weeks ago when it was assigned, but I didn't. It's due tomorrow, so I'm hoping I can push through it and get it done today. Otherwise I'll have to ditch my Economics class tomorrow so that I have an extra day to work on it. I always procrastinate and I never learn. I don't expect to learn from this experience either, though. If I can get this done, I'll be the king of last minute assignments. It's not hard, just very tedious. A lot of searching for products on Google, calculating prices and printing out both a high and low price for a product. It's kind of a waste of ink. I can do it though.
Mason Augustus Wheeler
Mason Augustus Wheeler
Monday, October 17, 2011
Blog Banner and Scrapbook Page.
So, here's my blog banner and my scrapbook page. I wasn't here when we turned them in.
Mason Augustus Wheeler
Mason Augustus Wheeler
I frickin' hate stupid people. They make me want to go outside and murder the first person I see...because that person was probably one of those stupid people. They make me want to violently throw up my intestines and hang myself with them. I hate everyone in the world. If the world exploded, I would be like, "This is the best thing ever. I'm so glad all these dumbass people are going to die painfully." People just need to be tortured and killed. All the time. I hate them. I want to stab them in the knee with a knife and slit all up their theigh, then rip out their femur and beat them in the face with it. I HATE PEOPLE.
Success is Happiness.
Success, to me, is doing what makes you happy. As long as you end up happy in life, then you are successful. Never stress yourself out by trying to be successful because success comes from inside of you. There is no proper definition of success, it is all relative to each individual person. Doing what makes you happy and being good at it. That is my definition of success.
Mason Augustus Wheeler
Mason Augustus Wheeler
Thursday, October 13, 2011
My favorite subject in school has always been English and Language Arts. I absolutely love writing. I love the technicality and specifics that you have to remember in order to maintain good grammar. Most people don't ever do things like capitalize or punctuate. Spelling and vocabulary is a waste of time for them. It's embarrassing. I love it, however. Sounding educated is one of the most important things to me. One of my future ideas, as I've discussed in many other blogs, is to go to college to become an English teacher and teach right here at Deer Valley. Weather that happens or not, I definitely have a love for the subject and it is very dear to me.
Mason Augustus Wheeler
Mason Augustus Wheeler
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Bricks on My Head.
School is really stressing me out. I have so much work to do, it's not even funny. On top of this wedding project that I have to complete completely by myself, I have essays for English that I need to make up and notebooks to copy and graphic design stuff to work on and just a million and one different things. It's crazy. I'm an idiot because I keep putting this stuff off and procrastinating. It's really dumb of me, but I just don't want to. I need to soon though, unless I want to fail my classes and see Saveria here next year as a second year senior.
Mason Augustus Wheeler
Mason Augustus Wheeler
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Occupy This!
I think this Occupy Wall Street thing is so frickin' stupid. These people need to stop complaining and go get a job. People have the right to be rich, and just because you're not, doesn't mean that the people who are have to give money to you to make you feel better. Honestly, every single one of these people look dumb standing out there blaming their problems on someone else. They should just quit, because nobody feels sorry for them. Their not going to get anywhere. LAME.
Mason Augustus Wheeler
Mason Augustus Wheeler
Friday, October 7, 2011
I Died...
If I died tomorrow, I would want people to remember what a great person I was. Recently I haven't been that cool of a person, but I would want people to remember their time spent with me, and how I was in elementary and middle school. I was an awesome person and a great friend. I would want people to say, "That Mason, he was a cool guy. I remember that time when we..." If people remember all the good times they've spent with me that'd be the greatest thing.
Mason Augustus Wheeler
Mason Augustus Wheeler
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
I Ended Up Writing About the Weather Anyway.
I have nothing to write about. I would write about the weather, but Branden's writing about that and he doesn't want me to copy him. It's nice though. I love weather like this. Last night we went to go get food and it was amazing. It was, like, 60 degrees. This morning was just as nice. I love the smell of rain lingering in the air. It just makes my day so much better, versus if I had to walk around all day in a puddle of my own sweat all day. I hope it stays like this for a long time, I'm sure it won't though. At lease it's the season where it starts getting cold, so I can just bundle up in a nice hoodie and be comfortable all day.
Mason Augustus Wheeler
Mason Augustus Wheeler
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Uncomfortable Library.
I wasn't gonna do this journal entry, but I changed my mind because I'm sitting in front of a computer in the Library and I have nothing better to do. Libraries are supposed to be calm, peaceful and relaxing. This one, however, is not at the moment. I'm staying after school because my sister has to finish up a project and I don't have a ride home. It started off okay, but then as time progressed more and more students filled the room, coming to hang out or finish projects or whatever. I am becoming very uncomfortable with this crowd. I don't know what to do. I keep stopping and listening to everybody's conversations grow louder and louder, joining forces to become one mass, very annoying noise. It's making me uncomfortable. I'm hoping she'll be done soon so that I can go home.
Mason Augustus Wheeler
I watched a talk given by Christoph Adami about searching for alien life. The problem is that we don't know how to find alien life, since it is nothing like the life that we know. Adami explained how using self-replicating computer programs to research artificial life can help us to find life signatures called "biomarkers." These are completely free of our human preconceptions of what life actually is. Using these programs may make it easier to detect extraterrestrial life by searching without a biased point of view about what life should be.
Mason Augustus Wheeler
Mason Augustus Wheeler
Monday, October 3, 2011
I'd say that my favorite holiday would be Halloween, just because I love that time of year. That's when it starts to get cold and nice outside. I love the fall and I love Halloween. They open all of the Halloween stores and you can go shop for cool costumes and decorations. All the Halloween specials of your favorite TV shows come on, plus they play a lot of awesome scary movies. I just love it.
Mason Augustus Wheeler.
Mason Augustus Wheeler.
Friday, September 30, 2011
I would say that my friends have had the biggest impact on me, besides my family. I have been through many experiences with the people that I've met and befriended. It has been such a wild ride, and the person that I am today is majorly a result of that.
I have been through good times and very, very bad times with my friends and it has definitely changed me over the years. I'm such a different person than I was a couple years ago, you wouldn't even believe it.
Mason Augustus Wheeler
I have been through good times and very, very bad times with my friends and it has definitely changed me over the years. I'm such a different person than I was a couple years ago, you wouldn't even believe it.
Mason Augustus Wheeler
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Weekend in Review.
I'm doing this now because I wasn't here on Monday.
I had kind of a crazy weekend. We learned Judo in Karate on Friday. I had to straddle and mount some guy that I don't even know. It was really embarrassing. Especially when we were rolling around on the floor.
Then, on Saturday, we had to take my sister to Homecoming which she was late for because she decided to go to a movie a couple hours before it started. So she subsequently freaked out and cried all over the place from being rushed and stressed out. Then when she was done getting ready and about to leave, she couldn't find her I.D. to get in. So she freaked out about that too. She decided to go without her I.D. and see if they let her in anyway, which they did and she ended up having a good time.
I spent my Sunday watching TV mostly. The final season of Desperate Housewives was premiering and so was the new season of Family Guy. I missed Family Guy to watch Desperate Housewives though. After Desperate Housewives, this new show that I'd just heard about called Pan Am came on. It was actually pretty interesting, it's set in the '60s and it's about stewardesses on Pan American Airways. I stayed up doing laundry and watching movies on NetFlix. I stayed up so late that I didn't wake up Monday morning, so I didn't go to school.
Mason Augustus Wheeler
I had kind of a crazy weekend. We learned Judo in Karate on Friday. I had to straddle and mount some guy that I don't even know. It was really embarrassing. Especially when we were rolling around on the floor.
Then, on Saturday, we had to take my sister to Homecoming which she was late for because she decided to go to a movie a couple hours before it started. So she subsequently freaked out and cried all over the place from being rushed and stressed out. Then when she was done getting ready and about to leave, she couldn't find her I.D. to get in. So she freaked out about that too. She decided to go without her I.D. and see if they let her in anyway, which they did and she ended up having a good time.
I spent my Sunday watching TV mostly. The final season of Desperate Housewives was premiering and so was the new season of Family Guy. I missed Family Guy to watch Desperate Housewives though. After Desperate Housewives, this new show that I'd just heard about called Pan Am came on. It was actually pretty interesting, it's set in the '60s and it's about stewardesses on Pan American Airways. I stayed up doing laundry and watching movies on NetFlix. I stayed up so late that I didn't wake up Monday morning, so I didn't go to school.
Mason Augustus Wheeler
Ugly Leaders Make an Ugly Country.
Would America elect an ugly president? Well, obviously. I can't point out one president in particular who wasn't disgustingly ugly. We seem to keep electing people who just aren't that good looking. In my opinion, I think it would help our country if we had a strong, good looking man to inspire us all and to look up to. However, most Americans apparently don't feel the same way. So, obviously our country would elect an ugly person as president, since that's what they've been doing for the past 300 years.
Mason Augustus Wheeler
Mason Augustus Wheeler
Smelly Boy.
I smelled really bad yesterday. It had been a really long time since I showered last so I decided it would be best to take one, especially since I just came back from exercising at Karate. I took a really long one and made sure I scrubbed every nook and cranny. When I was done, I still felt smelly. I don't know why. I couldn't take another shower so I just went to bed.
Today, I still feel smelly and I feel very self conscious about it. I don't know what it is, but I'm going to take another shower when I get home. No, I probably wont. But I should. I don't understand why I'm still smelly. Maybe I have some kind of disease! That'd be cool.
Mason Augustus Wheeler
Today, I still feel smelly and I feel very self conscious about it. I don't know what it is, but I'm going to take another shower when I get home. No, I probably wont. But I should. I don't understand why I'm still smelly. Maybe I have some kind of disease! That'd be cool.
Mason Augustus Wheeler
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
My Wife Left Me.
My friend Tia told me that she was moving a couple weeks ago. She said she'd stay for another week, but then she had to move to Mesa because her family got a house there for cheap. I'm really sad that she is gone, not only because I had just met her and we were turning out to be pretty good friends, but also because she was in my Economics "family" and she was my wife for the wedding project that we just started.
Because she's gone, I now have to marry myself because there is nobody else for me to partner up with. I'm pretty upset about that, It's a very hard project and the extra help would be nice. Plus, now I have to stand infront of the class and present a wedding project by myself: with no wife.
Anyway, I wish her and her family the best and I hope that I get through this project okay.
Mason Augustus Wheeler
Because she's gone, I now have to marry myself because there is nobody else for me to partner up with. I'm pretty upset about that, It's a very hard project and the extra help would be nice. Plus, now I have to stand infront of the class and present a wedding project by myself: with no wife.
Anyway, I wish her and her family the best and I hope that I get through this project okay.
Mason Augustus Wheeler
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
TEDdy Bear.
The talk that I watched was given by Raghava KK. He was talking about biases and perspectives. He said that you can't have art or creativity without perspective, and if you are raising a child teach them about different perspectives and not to be biased on just one. I learned that children's books use a lot of biased propaganda. It made me think a little, I already have an open mind to all perspectives for the most part, so my mind wasn't really changed.
Playing Dress-Up.
Dressing up to show school spirit is a very fun way of expressing yourself and your love for your school. It can be kinda stupid, especially if the spirit day ideas are really dumb or weird. I was really into doing stuff like that when I was in elementary school, (tin foil day, crazy hair day, etc.), but as I got older and my school spirit decreased I really haven't done it. If it's something easy, like wearing a certain color, I'll probably do it depending on if I own anything in that color or not. I won't go to any added effort or trouble though. It's just not that important. You don't get a prize for doing it, except for looking like a weirdo for a day.
So, I think it's cool for people who are into it and actually care to show school spirit, but there's a lot of people who don't.
Mason Augustus Wheeler
So, I think it's cool for people who are into it and actually care to show school spirit, but there's a lot of people who don't.
Mason Augustus Wheeler
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Test #2.
1. The spot healing brush tool is used to remove blemishes and other imperfections from the photo.
2. If a tool is set at 0% opacity, that means it is completely see through and, therefore, not visible.
6. The tool most similar to the magic eraser tool would be the magic wand tool, I think, because they both select a certain area based on the color of the pixils.
14. There was definitely enough time and I knew everything. The only thing that would've been kind of helpful is if you specified a certain color for each thing or just told us to use whatever color we wanted, because I just used black for everything and it looks kinda boring.
2. If a tool is set at 0% opacity, that means it is completely see through and, therefore, not visible.
6. The tool most similar to the magic eraser tool would be the magic wand tool, I think, because they both select a certain area based on the color of the pixils.
14. There was definitely enough time and I knew everything. The only thing that would've been kind of helpful is if you specified a certain color for each thing or just told us to use whatever color we wanted, because I just used black for everything and it looks kinda boring.
Stupid People.
I frickin' hate people. While I was walking to this class, some stupid chick was walking right towards me and didn't move the hell out of my way. Then, she had the audacity to give me a dirty stupid look as if I'm the one who should've moved. What a bitch. This always happens to me though, and I assume to everybody trying to maneuver their way through this hell hole. We need to develop a traffic system where people always walk on the right side or something. We need hand signals or something. I don't know. People just need to have more consideration. That's all.
Mason Augustus Wheeler
Mason Augustus Wheeler
Monday, September 19, 2011
Bus Blues.
I hate the bus. There's always so many stupid people on it. It would be okay if there wasn't such a huge income of freshman this year. Now, when you get to the bus, no matter how early, there is absolutely nowhere to sit. It is the most embarrassing thing to walk onto a bus full of people staring at you and try and find somewhere to squeeze in. Every oppertunity I can find to get out of riding the bus I take it. Sometimes it's no big deal because I get there and there happens to be a seat open because I beat somebody to the bus or someone is absent, but usually it's a fiasco. I wish I had somebody to give me a ride, or my house was close enough to walk to. But for now I have to just suck it up and ride.
Mason Augustus Wheeler
Mason Augustus Wheeler
Friday, September 16, 2011
Trapped in the Drive-Thru.
I love to eat. I like many different types of food, mostly American. Burgers, fries, milkshakes, etc. We go through drive-thrus and to fast food restaurants a lot because we rarely have food in the house and nobody cooks anyway. I'd say my favorite place to go would probably be McDonald's. We go there a lot, which isn't healthy, but it's delicious. I love everything on their menu, and usually get the Chicken McNuggets. Mmmmm! I love their chicken nuggets, with some ranch. French fries and a milkshake or soda on the side. Yummy. I assume I'll eventually get diabetes or die of a heart attack or something, but who cares? I love to eat.
Mason Augustus Wheeler
Mason Augustus Wheeler
Thursday, September 15, 2011
New Blue? No.
Everybody's been commenting on my shirt today. I don't know why. I wear this blue t-shirt almost every week. In my first period today, which is actually second period, three different people asked me if this was a new shirt. What the heck? Then I get to my fourth hour and my friends notice it as if it's the first time they've seen it. I don't know what's going on, but it's weird. Maybe it just looks new because I've washed it too many times and the color has changed. I've also gone swimming in it, so that might have washed out the color as well. I don't know. It's weird.
Mason Augustus Wheeler
Mason Augustus Wheeler
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
After high school I see myself lounging on the couch everyday, watching television, eating a whole lot and getting fat.
I'm hoping that's not what happens though. I'd like to go to college, and like I said in my "Career Goals" blog, I'd like to study English and possibly become a teacher. I want to move to Flagstaff and stay in the cabin I have up there while attending Northern Arizona University. Before I get into all of that I think I want to study at Glendale Community College, maybe online, just to get the hang of things. I don't really see myself getting a job right away, you know, with my people skills and such. I also always keep my original idea of working at Disneyland open.
I don't know. I hope all these plans come together in one way or another. I guess we'll see.
Mason Augustus Wheeler
I'm hoping that's not what happens though. I'd like to go to college, and like I said in my "Career Goals" blog, I'd like to study English and possibly become a teacher. I want to move to Flagstaff and stay in the cabin I have up there while attending Northern Arizona University. Before I get into all of that I think I want to study at Glendale Community College, maybe online, just to get the hang of things. I don't really see myself getting a job right away, you know, with my people skills and such. I also always keep my original idea of working at Disneyland open.
I don't know. I hope all these plans come together in one way or another. I guess we'll see.
Mason Augustus Wheeler
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Follow Up on Family.
Well, I don't really have anything to write about. I guess I could probably follow up on the blog I posted about us getting separated into "families" in Economics a few weeks ago.
I'm really happy to say that it's turned out really well. I've gotten to know the people I'm with and they're really cool. I'm with this girl named Tia (like Tia and Tamara from Sister Sister), she's black. And I'm with this really cool guy named Al, he's Mexican. They're hilarious and they make me laugh all the time. I'm really glad that it didn't turn out horrible and awkward like I thought it was going to. I look forward to working with them more.
Mason Augustus Wheeler
I'm really happy to say that it's turned out really well. I've gotten to know the people I'm with and they're really cool. I'm with this girl named Tia (like Tia and Tamara from Sister Sister), she's black. And I'm with this really cool guy named Al, he's Mexican. They're hilarious and they make me laugh all the time. I'm really glad that it didn't turn out horrible and awkward like I thought it was going to. I look forward to working with them more.
Mason Augustus Wheeler
Monday, September 12, 2011
Exposure Therapy.
Well, I figured out that I have a phobia of talking to people and being social. As with any phobia, exposure therapy is a good way to help and hopefully get me past my fears. Therefore, I need to force myself to start talking to people or start asking questions no matter how uncomfortable it makes me feel. Hopefully, as I do it more often, I get more comfortable with it and it eventually becomes no big deal.
On the other hand, I could just become an alcoholic. Wikipedia says that most people in my situation start using alcohol as a coping mechanism because it loosens them up and allows them to be more comfortable in social settings. That seems like it might get expensive in the future though.
I'm hoping that if I expose myself to more and more situations in which I have to talk to people then I can just get over it. Counseling and therapy might help also. Who knows? I just want to be normal.
Mason Augustus Wheeler
On the other hand, I could just become an alcoholic. Wikipedia says that most people in my situation start using alcohol as a coping mechanism because it loosens them up and allows them to be more comfortable in social settings. That seems like it might get expensive in the future though.
I'm hoping that if I expose myself to more and more situations in which I have to talk to people then I can just get over it. Counseling and therapy might help also. Who knows? I just want to be normal.
Mason Augustus Wheeler
Friday, September 9, 2011
I started doing Karate on Wednesday night. My mom is forcing me and my sister to do it which I'm kinda pissed about, not because I have to do Karate, but because I have to interact with people. My aunt owns the company and my uncle works there and is attending the class too. Anyway, I have another class tonight, this time my other aunt will be joining us.
After my first class on Wednesday I was kinda excited. It's really interesting and I do want to learn it. I was in Karate for about ten minutes when I was eight. Now I want to take it seriously. I'd love to learn how to defend myself in case somebody starts a fight with me or something. I don't know.
Either way, I hope I have fun doing this and I benefit from it, which I'm sure I will.
Mason Augustus Wheeler
After my first class on Wednesday I was kinda excited. It's really interesting and I do want to learn it. I was in Karate for about ten minutes when I was eight. Now I want to take it seriously. I'd love to learn how to defend myself in case somebody starts a fight with me or something. I don't know.
Either way, I hope I have fun doing this and I benefit from it, which I'm sure I will.
Mason Augustus Wheeler
Test #1.
1. The slice tool is used to slice an image or webpage into different sections, making them easier to work in seperately.
5. The tolerance makes the wand tool more or less sensitive depending on how high or low you set it.
8. Use the ruler by selecting it under the eye dropper tool, click and drag from one point to another to measure and press "Straighten" to straighten the image to the edge of your selection.
5. The tolerance makes the wand tool more or less sensitive depending on how high or low you set it.
8. Use the ruler by selecting it under the eye dropper tool, click and drag from one point to another to measure and press "Straighten" to straighten the image to the edge of your selection.
11. The test was very easy. I would definitely say it was a fair test of our skills, as everybody should know how to do these things in photoshop by now. I did okay when asked to learn the buttons, most of them I already knew. My overall experience was very good and I'm pretty sure I aced this test.
Thursday, September 8, 2011
Me, Myself and I. (The Most Important Thing.)
It's very tough to decipher what exactly the most important thing in my life is. I don't care about much, really. If I had to choose something it'd probably be alone time. It is very important for me to relax and spend some good old quality time with myself. I love to take naps and watch movies, and even just sit by myself. It is the best thing ever to just take time out away from everybody else and feel comfortable in your own skin.
Taking aside my family and friends, the time I spend alone is the most important time spent in my life. If you don't have at least an hour or so to yourself in a day, you should try it out. It is the best way to calm down, and destress. For serious.
Mason Augustus Wheeler
Taking aside my family and friends, the time I spend alone is the most important time spent in my life. If you don't have at least an hour or so to yourself in a day, you should try it out. It is the best way to calm down, and destress. For serious.
Mason Augustus Wheeler
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
18 and Voting. Maybe.
When I turn 18, which will be next year, I'm not sure whether or not I will vote. At the moment I'm not interested in anything like that. I don't know the first thing about politics or voting. It is possible that in the next year I might become interested. Something, or someone, might change my view and I might want to vote. I know that as a citizen and for my country it is the right thing to do and I should put my votes and opinions out there, but as of now I wouldn't know what I was talking about or how to even judge who I would vote for. I think I should try and make an effort to learn and become a better citizen, and maybe in the future, an avid voter.
Mason Augustus Wheeler
Mason Augustus Wheeler
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
So yesterday I did some research on Social Anxiety Disorder. I really think that I have this disease since I find it impossible to go places or interact with people comfortably. Many people, when I tell them I might have this, tell me that it's just a bunch of crap. They think it's just some made up thing for average shy people to label themselves so that people will feel sorry for them. I say otherwise. If I can find out more about this it might be the secret to breaking out of this awkward shell I've been living in for almost five years.
I have an appointment to see my doctor this week and I'm planning on asking him if he knows anything about anxiety disorders or Social Phobia. I'm hoping I can get some kind of counseling, therapy or some other kind of medical treatment for this. I'm hoping that I'll be able to live my life freely and comfortable and not sweat the small stuff.
Mason Augustus Wheeler
I have an appointment to see my doctor this week and I'm planning on asking him if he knows anything about anxiety disorders or Social Phobia. I'm hoping I can get some kind of counseling, therapy or some other kind of medical treatment for this. I'm hoping that I'll be able to live my life freely and comfortable and not sweat the small stuff.
Mason Augustus Wheeler
Friday, September 2, 2011
School Pride? As If.
I have never really cared about school, thus I've never had, nor pretended to have, school pride. When I was younger I thought it was cool, but after middle school and high school I realized there really wasn't any point in it. School is a place that you go, sit and learn. Primarily, that's what it is. People make it into this big thing with sports, or dances or other extracurricular activities that just aren't that important.
I don't see any reason to show pride in a big building full of annoying and mean people. For me, school is just a tiny blip on the radar that is my life. It's only importance is to educate and prepare me for my future, which it hasn't done that great of a job at.
Mason Augustus Wheeler
I don't see any reason to show pride in a big building full of annoying and mean people. For me, school is just a tiny blip on the radar that is my life. It's only importance is to educate and prepare me for my future, which it hasn't done that great of a job at.
Mason Augustus Wheeler
School Experience, I Guess.
My experience in school used to be a great one back when I was in elementary school. After middle school, however, a lot of stuff changed and I started hating school with a passion. My attendance dropped horribly after that, which was okay in middle school, but when I started high school and had a 9-a-semester limit on absences, it wasn't such a good thing. I try to go to school for the most part, but any chance I get to stay home I jump at it. I have been dropped from a class for excessive absences, and my grades have suffered horribly.
This year is a little different, It's my senior year and I'm kinda having a good one. I don't know. I've still been absent a little too much, but not as much as before. Last year I didn't go to school for a full week the entire year.
Hopefully my senior year is one to remember and I have a good time, even with my previous school record.
Mason Augustus Wheeler
This year is a little different, It's my senior year and I'm kinda having a good one. I don't know. I've still been absent a little too much, but not as much as before. Last year I didn't go to school for a full week the entire year.
Hopefully my senior year is one to remember and I have a good time, even with my previous school record.
Mason Augustus Wheeler
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
I Put That on My Family.
Yesterday we got assigned our "families" in Economics class. Of course, out of all the amazing people I know in that class and all of the people I'm comfortable with, I get put in a family with two people who I've never met before.
You can imagine how off putting that is for me, being as hella shy as I am. I don't know how I'll cope, really. I just have to do the best I can at pretending to be normal. I really don't want these two people to think I'm a major freak or something. I'm hoping that something will come out of me and I'll just be this amazingly social and funny person and be able to work with these people the way I should. I'm going to try my best not to accidentally do something really awkward and freak them out.
I'm just so bad at meeting and working with new people. They never seem to want to give me the time of day, which makes it harder to be outgoing and not shy and quiet.
Maybe this time, for some reason, I'll have fun working in this "family" and maybe even make some friends out of it. Maybe.
Mason Augustus Wheeler
You can imagine how off putting that is for me, being as hella shy as I am. I don't know how I'll cope, really. I just have to do the best I can at pretending to be normal. I really don't want these two people to think I'm a major freak or something. I'm hoping that something will come out of me and I'll just be this amazingly social and funny person and be able to work with these people the way I should. I'm going to try my best not to accidentally do something really awkward and freak them out.
I'm just so bad at meeting and working with new people. They never seem to want to give me the time of day, which makes it harder to be outgoing and not shy and quiet.
Maybe this time, for some reason, I'll have fun working in this "family" and maybe even make some friends out of it. Maybe.
Mason Augustus Wheeler
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
I really hate having to get up every morning and go to school. It's really a downer. I have to drag my butt off to a place that I hate and sit through torturous hell for six hours. If I was social and happy, I would probably love to go to school, however I can't get through one sentence without embarrassing myself.
I have all of these horrible and awkward tendencies that I wish I could just get rid of. For whatever reason, I can't just break free and be myself. Somewhere along the line all of my coolness and confidence was completely stripped away leaving this shy and awkward shell.
Everyday I try to break out of it and be happy and social, but I mostly end up failing in humiliation. I think I need some kind of counseling or therapy. I just hope that one day I'll be able to function in daily life without being a crazy freak.
Mason Augustus Wheeler
I have all of these horrible and awkward tendencies that I wish I could just get rid of. For whatever reason, I can't just break free and be myself. Somewhere along the line all of my coolness and confidence was completely stripped away leaving this shy and awkward shell.
Everyday I try to break out of it and be happy and social, but I mostly end up failing in humiliation. I think I need some kind of counseling or therapy. I just hope that one day I'll be able to function in daily life without being a crazy freak.
Mason Augustus Wheeler
Monday, August 29, 2011
Career Goals and Choices.
The goals I set for my career are constantly changing. I've never really been sure of what exactly I would like to be when I grow up (if I grow up). I've had a lot of job ideas, but then I realize how much school it takes to achieve those goals and usually give up interest.
As of now, I am really interested in writing and grammar. People today generally don't even care how their writing is perceived by others, especially on the Internet. That has always bothered me. I have an idea in my head that I might want to go to school and study to become an English teacher. If that happened I'd like to come back to Deer Valley and teach here.
Of course, ever since I was a little boy I've always wanted to work at Disneyland. I think that would be the best job ever. Even if it is minimum wage, working in the happiest place on Earth would be the best thing that's ever happened to me. I'd get to be there everyday, I'd get to let my family and friends in free, and have the best time with them on the days that I'm not working.
I don't know. I know whatever I come up with will be the right decision for me, and I will love what I do.
Mason Augustus Wheeler
As of now, I am really interested in writing and grammar. People today generally don't even care how their writing is perceived by others, especially on the Internet. That has always bothered me. I have an idea in my head that I might want to go to school and study to become an English teacher. If that happened I'd like to come back to Deer Valley and teach here.
Of course, ever since I was a little boy I've always wanted to work at Disneyland. I think that would be the best job ever. Even if it is minimum wage, working in the happiest place on Earth would be the best thing that's ever happened to me. I'd get to be there everyday, I'd get to let my family and friends in free, and have the best time with them on the days that I'm not working.
I don't know. I know whatever I come up with will be the right decision for me, and I will love what I do.
Mason Augustus Wheeler
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Friday, August 26, 2011
Sports and Me Don't Mix.
Sports and me don't really mix. I've never been very athletically inclined. I don't even know how to play most sports, so even watching them on TV never really interested me. People used to take me to games, but I never really had very much fun until they bought me a hot dog or something. I really want to learn how to play sports, because I think it would be cool to actually like something that everybody else likes and I wouldn't have to be embarrassed every time somebody asked me a question about sports because I don't know anything.
Anyway, the point is that I don't have an interest because nobody's ever taught me anything about sports.
Mason Augustus Wheeler
Anyway, the point is that I don't have an interest because nobody's ever taught me anything about sports.
Mason Augustus Wheeler
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Kids In the Car.
People can do whatever they want with their kids. I don't really care. I wouldn't personally leave my children in the car if I ever had any because it's so frickin' hot in Arizona and I probably wouldn't want them to die. As far as other people go, I can't control how they treat their kids. If they think it's okay to leave them in a hot car for an extended period of time, I'm sure eventually they'll suffer the consequences and learn their lesson.
Mason Augustus Wheeler
Mason Augustus Wheeler
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
What I Learned Yesterday.
I didn't really learn anything new yesterday. Everything we did I've done already and know how to do. I couldn't really come up with any creative ideas so everything that I made or attempted to make was really crappy and lame. Anyway, I'm pretty skilled in photoshop already because I took Graphic Design last year and I always use photoshop to get rid of all my zits before I post a picture on Facebook. So, I had fun yesterday, but as far as learning anything, I didn't.
Mason Augustus Wheeler
Mason Augustus Wheeler
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Two Blogs, One Day.
So, I'm writing another blog because I assume we're supposed to do one everyday and I didn't write one on Monday. But, then again, I didn't write any last week either. I don't know. I'm confused on this whole "blog"
Anyway, I don't really have anything to write about. Nothing really goes on in my life. I had an okay day today. I didn't do anything too awkward or embarrassing, which is always a plus for me. I took the bus home today for the first time this year. It was crowded as hell, which I assume is a very crowded place, and almost every seat was jammed full. Luckily, I found an empty seat, but my sister came so late that someone had already sat next to me and people snatched up all the other seats. She had nowhere to sit, so she freaked out and yelled at me in front of everyone. Some nice people scooted over so she could sit with them, so that was cool. I made a conscious decision today not to take the bus again this year unless it's an emergency and I absolutely have to.
Hmm, I guess I found something to write about after all.
Mason Augustus Wheeler
Anyway, I don't really have anything to write about. Nothing really goes on in my life. I had an okay day today. I didn't do anything too awkward or embarrassing, which is always a plus for me. I took the bus home today for the first time this year. It was crowded as hell, which I assume is a very crowded place, and almost every seat was jammed full. Luckily, I found an empty seat, but my sister came so late that someone had already sat next to me and people snatched up all the other seats. She had nowhere to sit, so she freaked out and yelled at me in front of everyone. Some nice people scooted over so she could sit with them, so that was cool. I made a conscious decision today not to take the bus again this year unless it's an emergency and I absolutely have to.
Hmm, I guess I found something to write about after all.
Mason Augustus Wheeler
School Makes Me Sick.
School is back in session, meaning summer is over and so is my life. I always hate coming back to school more than most other kids because of my horrible shyness and my tendency to be over-the-top socially awkward. This year, these pestering problems seem to be taking a physical toll on me. When I woke up on August 15th for the first day of school I was sick to my stomach and, of course, wrote it off as nerves until the second day, when I woke up feeling the same way. It is now the second day in the second week of the semester and I have felt like throwing my guts up every single day I've woken up to go to school. I even took Thursday and Friday off last week.
It could still be nerves from having not fully settled into the swing of things yet, but I have a feeling it has something to do with the fact that I am now a senior and will be graduating this year. Maybe some part of me can sense that and just isn't ready. Who knows? I just hope that I don't have to suffer through this stomach pain every day I have to go to school this year.
Here's hoping...
Mason Augustus Wheeler
It could still be nerves from having not fully settled into the swing of things yet, but I have a feeling it has something to do with the fact that I am now a senior and will be graduating this year. Maybe some part of me can sense that and just isn't ready. Who knows? I just hope that I don't have to suffer through this stomach pain every day I have to go to school this year.
Here's hoping...
Mason Augustus Wheeler
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